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10 Key Elements an Activity Needs In Order to be Considered a Sport:
1. Time Periods
Ex.) Halves, quarters, short periods, rotations, rounds, matches, or races.
Dance has time limits for dances in competitions. Check!
2. Specialized Gear (Uniforms)
Ex.) Cleats for soccer players, masks for catchers, and helmets for a variety of sports.
We have costumes, dance shoes, and competition
3. Competition
Ex.) Games, matches, or spars.
This one's pretty self-explanatory. Competitions, check!
4. Tend to Begin with a Marker
Ex.) whistle, gun, buzzer, or coin toss
When the music starts, we start. Check!
5. Set Rules
The Conduct of Dance, Check!
6. Individuals to Enforce Rules
Ex.) Judges or referees.
Judges, Check!
7. Point/Scoring System
Usually out of 10 or 100 points. Check!
8. Place
Some sort facility used to showcase the sport to an audience. Ex.) Arenas or stadiums.
Auditoriums and stages. Check!
Based on skill level or age. Ex.) majors, minors, college, high school, little league.
Divisions. Check!
10. Physical Activity
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